
Based on feedback, updated:

 - Gameplay: now you don't die at 1 touch, but have hearts instead. You start with 3 hearts and with each hit you lose 1 heart. You can gain hearts as well. You also have your normal lifes. If you fall from the map, you lose 1 life. If you lose all hearts, you lose 1 life.
 - Animations: added animations at the end of level
 - Level finish screen added
 - Solved bug at the scene transition stage
 - Added collectable items to make game more interesting
 - Solved invisible wall bug. My bad, I did not set correctly the rendering order for that element.

 - Removed more pixel art. At the moment only the statue+portal remain as pixel art
 - Added bombs
 - Added new chain
 - Added new main character

 - Change statue pixel art by another draw.
 - Improve UI elements: end screen and pause menu specially.
 - Add credits button to the main menu
 - Add level 4 and level 5

And more . . .

Files Play in browser
87 days ago

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